Board Approved Policies
Board Approved Policies
Board Approved Policies
1000: Community Relations
- 1000: BP Concepts and Roles
- 1100: BP Communication with the Public
- 1110: BP Public Relations Notification Policy
- 1112: BP Public Press, Radio, and Television
- 1150: BP Board Commendation Program
- 1160: BP Employee Recognition
- 1230: BP School-Connected Organizations
- 1240: AR Volunteer Assistance
- 1240: BP Volunteer Assistance
- 1250: AR Visitors
- 1250: BP Visitors
- 1260: BP Family-Community Involvement
- 1312.1: AR Compaints Concerning LCER Personnel
- 1312.1: BP Complaints Concerning LCER Personnel
- 1312.2: AR Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
- 1312.2: BP Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
- 1312.3: BP Uniform Complaint Procedures
- 1312.4: BP Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures
- 1321: BP Solicitation of Funds From and By Students
- 1325: AR Advertising and Promotion: Distribution of Non Commercial Materials
- 1325: BP Advertising and Promotion: Distribution of Non Commercial Materials
- 1340: AR Request for Public Records
- 1340: BP Request for Public Records
- 1410: BP Notice of Non-Discrimination
2000: Administration
- 2000: Concepts and Roles
- 2110: President/CEO Responsibilities and Duties
- 2111: President/CEO Governance Standards Revision
- 2121: President/CEO Employment Agreement
- 2140: Evaluation of the President/CEO
- 2210: Administrative Discretion in Absence of Board Policy
- 2220: Administrative Staff Organization
- 2230 Advisory and Stakeholder Groups
- 2250: Teacher in Charge
- 2350: Off-Site Event
3000: Business
- 3000: BP Concepts and Roles
- 3100: BP Budget
- 3270: BP Sale and Disposition of Books, Equipment, and Supplies
- 3280: BP Sale or Lease of School Owned Real Property
- 3290: BP Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
- 3300: BP Expenditures and Purchases
- 3311: AR Bids
- 3311: BP Bids
- 3312: BP Contracts
- 3312.2: BP Consultants to the Board or Organization
- 3314: BP Payment for Goods and Services
- 3314.2: BP Revolving Fund
- 3314.3: BP Credit Card Usage
- 3314.3: AR Credit Card Usage
- 3350: BP Reimbursements, Travel and Other Expenses
- 3350: AR Travel Authorization
- 3350 (a): AR Travel Reimbursement
- 3350 (b): AR Organizational Credit Card
- 3350 (c): AR Monthly Employee Reimbursement
- 3400: BP Management of Organization Assets and Accounts
- 3430: BP Investing
- 3440: BP Inventories
- 3450: BP Money in School Buildings
- 3452: BP Student Activity Funds
- 3460: BP Financial Reports and Accountability
- 3500: BP Health and Safety Policy for COVID-19
- 3513.3: AR Tobacco Free Schools
- 3513.3: BP Tobacco Free Schools
- 3516: AR Emergencies & Disaster Preparedness
- 3516: BP Emergencies & Disaster Preparedness
- 3516.3: AR Earthquake Emergency Procedures
- 3530: BP Insurance Management
- 3540: BP Transportation
- 3543: AR Transportation Safety
- 3550: BP Food Service Child Nutrition Program
- 3551: BP Food Service Operations Cafeteria Fund
- 3553: BP Universal Meals Program
- 3554: BP Other Food Sales
- 3580: BP School Records
- 3600: BP Check Signing Policy
4000: Personnel
- 4020: BP Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace
- 4100: BP Certificated Personnel
- 4112.4: BP Health Examinations
- 4112.5: AR Criminal Record Check
- 4117.1: BP Retirement (Certificated)
- 4119.21: BP Professional Standards
- 4119.42: BP Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
- 4121: BP Certificated Substitutes
- 4136: AR Non-LCER Employment
- 4136: BP Non-LCER Employment
- 4200: BP Classified Personnel
- 4211.2: AR Legal Status Requirements
- 4211.2: BP Legal Status Requirement
- 4219: BP Proprietary Information Non-Disclosure
- 4257.1: BP Work-Related Injuries
- 4261.5: AR Military Leave
- 4261.12: BP Workers' Compensation Transitional Return to Work Program
- 4270: BP Anti-Fraud Policy and Procedure
- 4312.9: BP Child Abuse Reporting Statement
- 4319.11: BP Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation
- 4357: AR Employee Safety
- 4357: BP Employee Safety
- 4358: BP Employee Protection (Personal Security)
- 4361: BP Family Care & Medical Leave
- 4400: AR Hiring Practices
- 4400: BP Hiring Practices
- 4401: BP At-Will Employer
- 4410: BP Employee Status Change
5000: Students
- 5030: AR School Wellness
- 5030: BP School Wellness
- 5031: BP Staff/Student Interaction
- 5110: BP Admission
- 5123: AR Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
- 5123: BP Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
- 5125: AR Student Records
- 5125: BP Student Records
- 5125.1: AR Release of Directory Information
- 5131.2: BP Bullying
- 5132: AR Dress and Grooming
- 5132: BP Dress and Grooming
- 5141: BP Health Care and Emergencies
- 5141: AR Health Care and Emergencies
- 5141.21 AR Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
- 5141.21 BP Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
- 5141.27 AR Management of Life Threatening Food Allergies
- 5141.27 BP Management of Life Threatening Food Allergies
- 5141.52: AR Suicide Prevention
- 5141.52: BP Suicide Prevention
- 5144: BP Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion
- 5145: BP Search and Seizure
- 5145.7 AR Sexual Harassment
- 5145.7 BP Sexual Harassment
- 5145.2: BP Freedom of Speech
- 5145.13 AR: Response to Immigration Enforcement
- 5142.13 BP: Response to Immigration Enforcement
- 5200: BP Cell Phones, Smart Phones, Pagers, and Other Electronic Signaling Devices
6000: Instruction
- 6020: AR Parent Involvement
- 6020: BP Parent Involvement
- 6153: AR School Sponsored Trips
- 6153: BP School Sponsored Trips
- 6158: AR Independent Study
- 6158: BP Independent Study
- 6159.2: AR Nonpublic Nonsectarian School and Agency Services
- 6159.3: AR Appointment of Surrogate Parent
- 6161.2 BP Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials
- 6163.2 AR Animals in School
- 6163.2 BP Animals in School
- 6163.4: AR Student Use of Technology
- 6163.4: BP Student Use of Technology
- 6164.4: AR Identification of Individuals with Exceptional Needs
- 6164.4: BP Identification of Individuals with Exceptional Needs
- 6164.6: AR Identification and Education Under Section 504
- 6164.6: BP Identification and Education Under Section 504
- 6173: BP Education for Homeless Children and Youth
- 6173.1 BP Education for Foster Youth
- 6174: BP Education for Students of Limited English Proficiency
- 6177: BP Summer School
- 6183: BP Home and Hospital Instruction
- 6190: BP Transitional Kindergarten Admittance
- 6191: BP 9th Grade Math Placement
7000: Facilities
- 7310: BP Naming of Buildings or Facilities
- 7330: AR Use of LCER Facilities
- 7330: BP Use of LCER Facilities
- 7512: BP Equipment
- 7514: AR Environmental Safety Precautions
- 7514: BP Safety
- 7514.1: AR Hazardous Substances
- 7514.1: BP Hazardous Chemicals
- 7514.2: AR Pest Management
- 7515: AR Security Incidents and Key Control
- 7515: BP Security
- 7515.7: BP Organization-Wide Video Surveillance Security System
9000: Bylaws
- 9100: BP Board Vacancies
- 9110: BP Terms and Officers
- 9270: BP Conflict of Interest
- 9311: BP Board Policies
- 9500: BP Scholarship Awards
- 9502: BP Acquisition of Property
- 9503: BP Endowment Establishment/Maintenance
- 9504: BP Interfund Payables & Receivables
- 9505: BP Investment
- 9901: BP Lewis Center Foundation Board Vacancies