- Departments
Lewis Center Refuge
The Construction of the Lewis Center's Mohave tui chub Refuge
Deppe Pond and Tui Slough
Deppe Pond History:
When the initial buildings of the Lewis Center's Mojave River Campus was constructed (1999-2000), the site plan included the construction of a south to north running drainage basin on the west side of the campus to intercept all campus runoff. This depression is designed to keep campus runoff from flowing into the marsh and river proper. This drainage basin included a concrete dam on northwest side.
During the 2002-2003 school year, the 7th grade life science and ornithology instructor, Bill Deppe, initiated a year long project with his classes to line the pond, turning it into a fresh water pond for migrating water fowl. The newly created pond became known as Deppe's Pond or Deppe Pond.
In the fall of 2003, two students attended a workshop at the Desert Studies Center in Zyzzx, California. The purpose of this workshop was to revisit the 1984 Recovery Plan for the Mohave tui chub. They attended with the purpose of suggesting that the Lewis center's Mojave River Campus be used to construct a refuge for the fish. Their offer was well received and given serious consideration. Between 2003 and 2005, these students started this web site in anticipation for permission to begin preparations to host a refuge on campus.
In 2007, two year after this project founding student had graduated, a campus visit by three fishery biologists from both the USFWS and the CDFG determined that Deppe Pond would most likely provide adequate water quality and cover to support a refuge population of fish if,- A stable supply of well water were provided,
- Non-native species were first removed (gold fish, mosquito fish),
- Invasive plant species (cattails and bulrush) were removed,
- Water aerators were installed, and
- The existing pond be extended northward to add more habitat space.
Picture Progress! As of...(12 / 19 / 2008)
8 / 2007 - Present (an ongoing management item)
plants (cattails and bulrush) were removed from Deppe
12 / 15-23 / 2007
1 / 5-7 2008
For My Kids Construction INC. graded the access road to the west of Deppe Pond and Tui Slough. Excavated Tui Slough and graded the east shore so that runoff would not erode the banks and drain into the refuge. All this work (an estimated $15-17,000 dollars was donated to the refuge construction effort. |
FMK Construction
Service Inc. // 11455 Whitehaven Ave., Oak Hills, CA
92344 // Phone: 760-956-2555 |
1/ 25 / 2008
WDC Exploration and Wells drilled two well. One, a 120 foot well, will be used to provide water for both Deppe Pond and Tui Slough. The second well will be used to monitor the water level in the aquifer that we are drawing water from. |
01 - 02 / 2008
05 - 06 / 2008
09 / 2008
09 - 10 / 2008
10/ 2 /2008
11/ 8 - 15 /2008
11/ 13 /2008
11/ 2008
11/ 21 / 2008
CETCO Akwaseal Clay Subliner Install |
BTL Liners 30 mil Pond Liner Install |
11/ 22 / 2008
12/ 19 / 2008
To be continued...(12 / 19 / 2008)