Summer Institute 2017
GAVRT Summer Institute
Bring Radio Astronomy to your Students with the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Program. NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Lewis Center for Educational Research invite all K-12 classroom teachers, school administrators, after-school professionals, and individuals involved in implementing STEM programming at museums and science centers to participate in a GAVRT summer institute at the Lewis Center in Apple Valley. Through GAVRT, students operate a 34-meter radio telescope remotely, collecting data on radio sources including planets, such as Jupiter and Uranus, distant astronomical objects, such as Quasars and pulsars, and the sun. Additional opportunities include partnerships with NASA flight missions and work on GAVRT's SETI Campaign. Students have the opportunity to work with NASA radio astronomy research professionals in planning scientific experiments, conducting observations, and analyzing data.This exciting institute will train participants in all
aspects of the GAVRT Program, including radio astronomy, support curriculum,
and antenna operations. For 2017, GAVRT is offering 3 different opportunities to join the team.
Our West Coast Institute will be a 3-day event held Tuesday June 13-15, 2017 at the Columbia Memorial Space Center in Downey, CA. This training includes a full day excursion to visit the antennas of the Deep Space Network at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex.
There are two opportunities to participate on the East Coast. Join us June 26-27 at the Howard B. Owens Science Center in Lanham, MD or June 28-29 at the Udvar Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.